Monday, February 15, 2010

Name The Planets Of The Solar System In Hindi How Did Each Of The Major Planets In The Solar System Get Its Name?

How did each of the major planets in the solar system get its name? - name the planets of the solar system in hindi

How many moons in the solar system known?

What are comets and asteroids?


Wilson said...

1. All are named after the Greek and Roman gods.

2. "I do not have the energy to solve this problem myself.

Jupiter: 63
Saturn: 61
2. March
Land: 1
Uranus: 27
Neptune: 13

If you are among the dwarfs ....

Pluto: 3
Eris: 1

A doll and paste the above to me.

3. A comet is a small celestial bodies in the solar system that orbit the sun, and when close enough to the sun, has a visible coma (atmosphere) or a tail.

Asteroids, sometimes known as asteroids or minor planets are organizations, especially the inner solar system that are defined in general smaller than planets but larger than meteoroids (as 10 feet wide or less), with the exception of comets. The distinction between asteroids and comets is myOptics when discovered: Comets show a perceptible coma (fuzzy "atmosphere"), while asteroids do not.

Gnomon said...

All but one of the major planets of the solar system called the Roman gods:

Mercury the Messenger of God, who jumped from one place to another, because the world changes so quickly.

Venus, the goddess of love, because her white light seems very well in the sky shortly after sunset and shortly before dawn.

Mars, the god of war, because the red color of the planet reminds us of the blood.

Jupiter, after the head of the gods, because, although not as bright as Venus, the planet is very bright all the time.

Saturn, the god of the old, the father of the gods because it is so slow in moving around the sun.

Uranus was the name of the God of heaven and Neptune, the god of the sea

TheUnless, of course, is the earth, is the only word in the English language for this promotion. This is known as to say different words in any language, although some, the official name is "Terra" - the word of the country in the Americas.

Elizabeth H said...

The official names of the planets and their moons are governed by an organization called the International Astronomical Union (IAU). The IAU was founded in 1919. Its mission is "to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects through international cooperation." Its members are professional astronomers worldwide. The IAU is the internationally recognized authority for naming celestial bodies and surface features on them.

The IAU recognizes that astronomy is an old science and many of their names come from ancient traditions and / or function of history. For many of the names of the objects in the solar system, it is especially important. Most objects in our solar system after a certain time or on behalfGreek or Roman mythology n. IAU has this tradition with its rules for the designation of certain kinds of objects in the solar system.

With the exception of the earth, all planets of our solar system have names from Greek mythology or Roman. This tradition continued with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered in modern times.

Comets are snowballs is mainly composed of ice and rock. When approaching one of the sun, which is in part) the ice in the nucleus (center converted into gas. The gas flows from the illuminated portion of the wing. The solar wind carries the gas to the outside and form a long tail.

Asteroids are small planets. Some have to pass on elliptical orbits in the orbit of the Earth, or even Mercury. Other Travelfollowing a circular path between the outer planets. Most asteroids orbit the sun in a region called the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

A solar system is a group of celestial bodies is a star and planets and other objects that orbit around him. We are familiar with our own solar system, including Earth, the seven planets and the sun. Our solar system also includes many smaller objects that orbit around the sun of the dwarf planets, meteors and comets, and called a thin cloud of gas and dust interplanetary medium. More than 100 moons orbiting as satellites, planets.
A solar telescope in orbit, such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), studies of the solar interior, atmosphere is known, and TThe solar wind, a stream of electrically charged particles streaming from the surface of the sun. The European Space Agency of the telescope in 1995. Image: NASA / ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory

Besides the Sun, Earth and the moon, many objects in our solar system with the naked eye. These objects include the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, asteroids and comets and occasional bright meteors. Many other objects in the solar system to see with telescopes.

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