Monday, January 25, 2010

Diy Concrete Bathtub DIY Concrete Driveway?

DIY concrete driveway? - diy concrete bathtub

I have an old tape input (2 strips of concrete with grass between the two). I want to fill a fixed path and not only in the band. I do not have the hard work himself, and only the concrete delivered. My main question is the concrete can be poured over existing tape or dig? And can you recommend websites that provide detailed information about this type of project? The only ones I found so I assume to know everything about them. Thank you.


(F)akers said...

I do not know, but would like to have a discussion
some burritos.

I only know they have the old RIPP
To obtain access, new, and in particular how the work
any kind of work does go bad in time, it must
one piece. What about the cobblestones, with their very
beautiful and looks better.

stedyedy said...

Find someone who is familiar with the concrete work for you assisstance. Since the questions may make the fresh concrete, and if they are not properly prepared concrete set correctly before the finish. Concrete can not wait when set to end in either the right or an entry permanently unfinished.

If you are looking for a professional job, you must remove the old tapes.

Hulkhoga... said...

I do not know

calvillo... said...

recommended not to pour over old concrete, the concrete may lead back to places that do not want to break.

Excavations in the center of the strip to the depth of the tapes then concrete grinding concrete. form the outer edge of the figure how much concrete, what do you split for a 4 "with the formula length x width of 81 cubic meters =. (ie 12'wx 24 'L divided by 81 = 2 .. 25 yds. Concrete is sold in 1 / 2 EV Yd. if your registration is 6 cm deep, the formula length x width divided by 54th Do not forget to attach a strip of felt, when the expansion of concrete back to the old concrete. if you use a 'bomb' mix (gravel, with 5 1 / 2 bag mix will) be necessary to suspend the concrete rock jam. It must float a fleet of cops, pallets and wood finish and a soft brush to coat glide. need a manufacturer who deeply into the horizontal joints are not made more than 10 meters. valuer or a property to pay the charge over $ 175 for the casting, once the project is ready,You do not have to go through the cost of buying tools that can be very costly. Reinforcing steel is not necessary that it is the so-called 6x6x10x10 wire that much better, for streets and can

Good luck with your project.

Ray Y said...

WOW I can not believe you would take the job.

But if you personally, you probably should withdraw their existing concrete, it is now.
It is a good basis not old concrete, to be there. Now you want the use of land or through the grass, and probably about 57 stone and the area in which you ensure the dumping and the handling of the car to that core is compressed into a solid plan to get start and come to a halt with the 57's. I would use a kind of bar screen to the device back. Bar review more regularly exploited footer and walls. The strength depends on your community wants. I would not be less than 5 to 6 inches. Thicker, the better quality units.
But I'm very honest with you, this is not child's play. There are many tools that you need and work back to some real hard work.
I have not for years and hated it. We had front loaders and pestle and althat and it was too much work. I think we can say that n is the younger with his back, because my back arEady's gone.
Good Luck

Snoonyb said...

Yes, you can click on the existing shed. Note that adversely affect natural drainage.
First remove the grass, filling and compacting the soil at the height of the bands.
Since the establishment of the new access road on the different surfaces, it does not dry proportionally, which increases the risk of cracking.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have many Italian friends .. because it is a big job .... Pause while the cement ... get rid of them ... Soil, dig much .... 3 "crushed concrete base ... .... ........... compact in the back streets and processing of cement has some skill, luck .... GOOOOOOOOD

colonels... said...

If you must remove the old concrete. who needs ranked quite a nice area and make way for the Re-bar.

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